Doctors and healthcare professionals ​who have already devoted 10+ years of their prime life further ​ have to spend a significant amount of time in practice to gain the trust of the patients and attain the required credibility. ​ This would include govt/trust hospitals, counseling, camps and running from clinic to clinic, etc.

However, in the modern-day healthcare landscape where consumerism is spreading its wings, healthcare professionals need to market themselves to reach their potential patients and reduce the amount of time it takes to build trust. Digital marketing and social media marketing can be highly useful in such a scenario due to its vast reach.

An advantage that a healthcare professional can get from social media marketing by platforms such as Facebook is that they can target their audience and form their marketing strategy accordingly. Here is a look at how targeted Facebook marketing can help doctors.

Why Facebook Ads and Marketing is Relevant to Healthcare Professionals?

Facebook is one platform that offers a variety of perks that can support an ad campaign in many ways. Facebook has approximately 3 ​ billion global users which makes it the most preferred and the most popular social network on the planet. In addition, Facebook also owns the two most popular messaging platforms on the planet viz. Whatsapp and Facebook
and each one of those have 1 billion followers. Marketers can utilize Facebook’s advanced targeting abilities and target users on the basis of their personal information and demographics such as sex, age, location, language, online community, ​ interest, education,
profession, and more.

For instance, adolescents ​ go through hormonal changes leading to Acne and they are likely to pay attention to the content and ads which they feel may resolve their issues. Similarly, people from other age groups and demographics relate to the issues that they are facing in their lives and act accordingly. This is how targeted Facebook marketing works.

Although Facebook ads will not be able to drive urgent engagement opportunities similar to an emergency service, they can help marketers build the reputation of doctors and create opportunities for future engagements.

How Do Facebook Ads Work?

Facebook ads are not just about promoting a specific service or the expertise of a doctor. Such traits should be backed by supporting posts that contain quality content. The content may contain experience sharing, ​ health tips, dietary advice, the latest treatment protocols,
recommended services, free consultation, etc. Facebook marketing is a big resource that can garner huge results and leaves a lasting impact on both potential and existing clients. ​ Planning the content carefully is important so that the content has a higher likelihood of appealing to prospective clients, for example, information on benefits of the flu vaccine can ideally be shared during the flu season.

The Role of Content in Facebook Marketing:

As the digital marketing experts say ‘Content is King’, it applies in the medical digital marketing domain as well. Doctors and healthcare professionals have to provide the audience with relevant content at frequent intervals. It helps in maintaining the interaction and retention levels as well. Doctors can share their experiences, market their practices, and discuss the issues of the patients on online platforms, ​ for example, an explanation about the H1N1 swine flu and who needs its vaccine or the Bihar encephalitis fever.

It’s common for people to feel a certain apprehension to approach doctors for minor matters, due to which they often search for solutions on the internet. Facebook is an ideal platform where doctors can be accessible to patients as and when convenient and open channels for communication. With people expressing their views on Facebook, doctors can also better identify which topics are of greater concern for the public and adjust their campaigns accordingly.

Marketers can use content that relates to everyday issues faced by the people and connect with them. Doctors can also educate people about the innovations and techniques that can help them in dealing with health issues. Providing educational content for improving the lifestyle of people always works.

Social media marketing can help doctors improve their presence on digital platforms. Facebook, as one of the most popular social media platforms, is an effective way for doctors to build their brand, establish their credibility among people and open conversation.